Diabetic foot ulcers typically progress through several stages. One such classification system used to describe them is the Wagner Classification or University of Texas Diabetic Wound Classification system. These stages
Diabetics frequently suffer from diabetic foot ulcers as a complication of diabetes mellitus, typically at the bottom of their feet. Diabetes may lead to peripheral neuropathy and vascular disease complications
Goal: Rapidly identify complex wounds that are unlikely to respond to conventional care.This allows for earlier intervention with advanced therapies and increases the probabilitiesof successful wound healing. Methods: A standardized
University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections How Immune T-Cell Augmentation Can Help Prevent COVID-19: APossible Nutritional Solution Using Ketogenic Lifestyle It is time we realize that food is a
Aseem Malhotra 1, Ravi Kamepalli 2, JS Bamrah 3 1 Consultant Cardiologist, Visiting Professor of Evidence Based Medicine, Bahiana School of Medicine and PublicHealth, Salvador, Brazil2 Consultant in Infectious Diseases
Poster for Standardized Approach to ‘Hard-to-Heal’ Wounds Using Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma- “Presented at SAWC Spring 2017”Email Marketing as Lead Generation Tactics of B2B Readmore : Presented at SAWC Spring